General Features

General Features

A bookreader device was developed to end visually-impaired individuals’ dependency for reading texts. They can both read and listen to texts in any book in the Braille alphabet form by touching with their hands on the device. As seen Figure 1, the document to be read is to be scanned using a scanner and necessary OCR processes are implemented to obtain the text in the image scanned. After this, data can be transferred on the 96 Braille cells or can be listened to. 


Figure 1. Device developed


The features of device; 

1.96 Braille cells,

2.Created all the software screen were transferred with voice to users,

3.Explore the data using the buttons,

4.Reset all settings for new reading (Reset all the Braille cells),

5.After reading, save the voice for listening later, 

6.To start the device, one of the following operation modes is chosen;

  • Print: The texts obtained are transmitted to Braille cells and reading with their hands. 
  • Vocal: The texts are only vocalized. 
  • Print and Vocal: The texts obtained are transmitted both to the Braille cells and vocalized.